AIIMS annual fest has always been one of the most awaited fests not just in Delhi but all over the
country. Every year, the fest witnesses, students turning up from every nook and corner from the
country, from apparently every medical college and heading to the most coveted medical school.
The Pulse 2012 also as expected, lived up to its hype. This being my first pulse, was very special.
Their was a covert zeal in me when I came to participate in the Illuminati section of events which included all the quizzes and the literary events. Though, I was unable to win the sports quiz, but I took home a great experience which I never had at any other quiz I’d participated in. Moreover, I got to witness such a diverse crowd, which is perhaps unseen in other popular fests.
Next competition on my itinerary was the creative writing competition. Being a writing aficionado, it
was always the event I wanted to do well in. So, I reached on time at the venue and also attended
the book reading session by Mr. Ashwin Sanghi; the book was “ Krishna Key”, perhaps an ideal
content was to be judged.
A couple of days later, I got the call from the event head confirming that I’d won the 1st prize in the competition. It was indeed an overwhelming moment to finally win a prize in Pulse, the very first Pulse for me. Surely gonna come next year too. It was indeed a PULSating experience.
Udit Bhatia
B.Tech (ECE)
IPU, Delhi